A raffle is being set up at the Lucton Harvest Festival

A-Level Biology Visit to Wicton Farm

Posted: 21st February 2023

pupils at Wicton Farm

On a bright and frosty morning some A-Level students visited Wicton farm, which manages a commercial Dairy Farm in tune with ecological and ethical best practice. They aim to create a farming system that is regenerative and uses sustainable methods. The students were privileged to talk with expert practitioners on a wide range of topics, all on the A-Level specification for both Geography and Biology. This included soil management, wildlife management and waste management, plus the management of pastures for maximum production without compromising on affecting the ecosystem.

Students also learnt about cow health management including  zero tolerance of antibiotics. Genetics, breeding strategies and ethical management of calves and cows was covered in detail all in the context of economically viable production.  

Said Mrs Goode, who organised the trip “It was an amazing trip thoroughly enjoyed by everyone”.

For anyone interested in visiting, head over to their website for more information. www.wictonfarm.co.uk 


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