A raffle is being set up at the Lucton Harvest Festival

Lucton News and Weekly Bulletins

Posted: 10th September 2021

newsletter front cover

From September, the much loved Lucton News is changing format. The publication is moving from a weekly newsletter to a half-termly digest, and is being supplemented with the new weekly Lucton Bulletin.

The Lucton Bulletin will centralise our mass communication, which will be sent digitally to parents every Friday. It will include a Headmasters roundup of the week, weekly sports results, plus upcoming key dates and the menu for the following week.

It is hoped that the change in frequency of the Lucton News will enable parents to enjoy reading the comprehensive overview of half-termly activities in one read compared to the previous shorter one of seven per half-term. The format will remain largely the same including an overview of curriculum activities, match reports and results, creative arts, equestrian & Pony Club activities, CCF and a Boarding roundup. It will also include student and staff success stories from life outside of Lucton, to promote the brilliant achievements of our whole school community. It is hoped the half-termly edition will be enjoyed by many more readers, and a lovely way for students to reflect on their hard work.

Weekly stories will continue to be shared on our social media channels to reach a much wider audience, so if you don’t follow us already, look for @LuctonSchool on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and be sure to give us a ‘like’.



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