children from a prep school in lucton with pens in their hands

New Rewards & Sanctions

As you might have heard, we have reviewed and simplified our Rewards and Sanctions for the Middle and Senior Schools. We continue to reward students for achievements, good work and good behaviour but sometimes we need to apply sanctions too.

The new Rewards and Sanctions matrix will soon be posted on the Parent Portal.  If you have difficulty logging into the portal, please contact the School Office.


10 merits = Form Tutor reward

20 merits = Head of School reward

30 merits = Headteacher reward 

1 Merit / 2 Merits

(Issued by any member of staff)

For excellent work, effort or behaviour, including good manners and helpfulness
Headteacher’s Commendation

(Issued by the Headteacher,

based on staff recommendation)

For exceptional effort and/or participation


  1. Classroom sanction (Member of teaching staff)
  2. Lunchtime detention (Member of teaching staff)
  3. Report card & contact home (Form Tutor)
  4. Head of School detention & contact home (Head of School)
    • Head of School report card for repeated offences
  5. Any form of very serious misconduct, in line with our behaviour policy
    • Possible suspension or exclusion (Headteacher)

Elmien Niblett

Deputy Pastoral Head

Head of Middle School