A raffle is being set up at the Lucton Harvest Festival

Success at NSEA Eventer Challenge

Posted: 21st March 2022

three girls on horses

The very early start was well worth it on Sunday for the NSEA Eventer Challenge competition being held at Allens Hill. The last-minute team changes made it touch and go if we had enough riders for the 70cm-75cm team but Freya, Sophie and Hannah all stepped up and even with only three in the team (usually you have four) they managed to be the only team that finished on a marvellous score of zero giving them a win as well as qualifying for Hickstead Championships. Sophie also won the class as an individual and Freya came 3rd meaning both of these two also qualified as individuals. Hannah came 6th individually. In the 80cm-85cm class, Sophie started off with a lovely clear round again but Hannah, Freya, Daisy, George and Mia all picked up some faults meaning we were not in the placings this time. In the 90cm, Mia had an unlucky four faults and George did a fantastic clear round coming 5th but unfortunately just out of qualifying. All in all, a great success for everyone on a lovely sunny spring day!


Floreat Luctonia!



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