children in school uniform

Nursery and School Charges

Schedule of Charges 2024/2025

Charges are Inclusive of VAT where applicable*

Nursery Charges

Sessions Under 2’s (Min 2 Full Days) Over 2’s (Min 5 Sessions)
Early Start (8am to 8:30am) £8 £7
Full Day (8:30am to 5pm) £65 £60
Morning Session (8:30am to 12pm) £28 £24
Morning with Lunch (8:30am to 1:30pm) £41 £36
Afternoon Session (1:30pm to 5pm) £29 £24
Late Session (5pm to 6pm) £8 £7

Our Nursery is open 50 weeks a year, offering full-time support to make sure our families have everything they need for a smooth and flexible daily routine.

Nursery charges are to be paid on a monthly basis.

Prep and Senior School Charges

Year Group Termly Charges 
Reception to Year 2 £3,160
Year 3 to Year 6 £4,395
Year 7 to Year 13 £6,154
Prep Weekly Boarding £9,545
Senior Weekly Boarding £11,210
Prep & Senior Full Boarding £13,855

Elite Football Programme Charges

The Elite Football Programme is available for students in Year 3 to Year 13 and is an additional charge to the School/Boarding charges.

Year Group Termly Charges 
Year 3 to Year 6 £1,080
Year 7 to Year 13 £1,920

*  Particulars of charges are contained within our terms and conditions, available here.

Please see section below for additional charges.

Discover Lucton first-hand and book your tour today.

Discounts & Concessions

HM Forces Discount

At Lucton, we offer Military families a 10% Forces concession, in addition to Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA).

We recognise that military life can often cause upheaval for children and that a consistent and stable education is important to all military families. Whilst many of our students are Day Students, we do offer Flexi, weekly and full boarding opportunities from the age of 7-18.

Concessions are only available for full-time military personnel, and not currently available for Reservists.

Click here for more information 


NHS Discount

Where one or both parents are direct employees of the NHS we offer a 10% discount against charges. A valid NHS ID is needed as proof of eligibility for the discount.

Sibling Discount

Where two or more siblings attend Lucton at the same time, a 10% discount will be applied to the youngest child/children.

Means Tested Bursaries

At Lucton we offer a number of bursaries each year to provide financial support to families who would not otherwise be able to support their child’s education at the School. We offer partial charges assistance on a sliding scale according to the results of our means test.

All bursary awards are subject to an independent parental means test, which takes into account savings, investments and realisable assets as well as income. Awards are made from a limited fund and therefore not all applications made will be successful. The Bursary committee meets three times a year to review applications – January, April and July.

For further information about Bursaries, please contact


Year 7 Scholarships

At Lucton we offer a wide cross-section of awards that recognise outstanding ability in a range of areas. Available for Year 7 entry, scholarships can represent between 5-25% reduction in school charges, whilst exhibition prizes reward notable students with up to a 10% reduction.

Click here for more information

Sixth Form Scholarships

At Lucton we offer a wide cross-section of awards that recognise outstanding ability in a range of areas. Available for Year 12 entry, scholarships can represent up to a 50% reduction in school charges.

Click here for more information