A raffle is being set up at the Lucton Harvest Festival

Category: Scholarship Events

2022 Scholarship Applications

17th December 2021

Every year, we offer a comprehensive Scholarship Assessment Programme designed to recognise and reward talented students in a range of areas, including Art, Drama, Music, Sport, and Academics, and we encourage Year 6, Year 8 and Year 11 students from all schools to take part. Many factors are considered when awarding a scholarship, including school…


Entrance and Scholarship Examinations 2021

4th December 2020

We offer a range of scholarships and awards to boys and girls currently in Year 6 who wish to join Lucton School in September 2021 in Year 7. Concessions can represent up to a 25% reduction in school fees and are available in the following areas: Art, Music, Drama, Sport, Academic, and Equestrian. Candidates living…